Let’s Get Saucy

Let’s Get Saucy is the ultimate guide to all of Austin’s most popular BBQ hot spots. This book is elegant and thought out to where it could be given as a gift in a gift basket or displayed as a coffee table book.

Let’s Get Saucy!

The Challenge

The challenge for this project is to design a book that is a guide with plenty of information. Designing the front cover as well as the spreads inside. Planning out how to lay out the information for the reader is the main challenge so they understand it and keep interest as they read along.

Main Objectives


Spread Layout

One of the most important things is laying out the copy. Deciding how to lay out the information, and where to place images and pull out quotes is key. You don’t want the reader to feel overwhelmed or lose interest.

Copy Writing

Besides designing the front, back cover, and spreads of the book, the copy inside is an objective. Making sure that the information is correct, interesting and fun for the reader to enjoy.

Book Cover Design

Designing a book cover is one of the main focal points. This is what people see immediately. This will be the deciding factor if they pick it up or not. The cover is meant to draw in the reader.

Initial Direction

My initial direction for Let’s Get Saucy was for it to be a map and guide to all the BBQ hot spots in Austin. I wanted to play on the “Keep Austin Weird” tagline at first and titled the book Weird BBQ. I wasn’t sold on the name and felt it could be pushed further.

I wanted there to be as many photos of meat and the sides as possible. Keeping the color palettes close to the color of BBQ sauce and the wrappings the meat comes in.

I wanted to use an eroded typeface with texture that you could feel by looking at it. This will be paired with a branded Dry Rub and BBQ Sauce to be sold as a bundle on the website or together in a gift basket.

Moodboard and Sketches


Digital Drafts

Originally named “Weird Barbecue” I played with the colors of the butcher paper and the eroded typeface style of a stamp. I planned to use photos of BBQ platters close up to see all details and deliciousness in the food.


Final Solutions

Pushing the design further I changed the name and simplified the spread designs. I eliminated the pointless elements and kept it nice and clean to stand the test of time. I planned to have this book paired with products like a brown sugar dry rub and a smokey mesquite BBQ sauce that could be purchased with the book.


Looking at my progress I feel like this project has come a long way. Barbecue is a huge staple in Austin, and I feel like this book is an example of that. At the beginning I didn’t have a concept of how to push this further other than a book. Now I can see this book and the brand being marketed further in the future.


Jax and Finn's


Bull Mountain